Devil’s Lake

Fall 2010 Issue

Dolly Lemke: Girl Cento

Her words became us a honey that hurt

Suppose we could describe movement

through bluestem and aster

Removing her cardigan she sat cross-legged

A woman spoke she answered in her language

She keeps staring up

between sticky knitting needles

She thinks it grows from one’s yearning for dogwoods

Let’s see if she’ll run away

and be a page girl to the world

Horsey-girl who has been failed by the body

a photo of the author, Dolly Lemke DOLLY LEMKE received her BA in English with a creative writing concentration from the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee. She recently completed an MFA in Poetry at Columbia College Chicago where she currently teaches freshman composition and works for the small feminist press Switchback Books. Her poems have been published or are forthcoming in wicked alice, Columbia Poetry Review, Best American Poetry 2010, Horse Less Review #8, and Umbrella Factory. More from this issue >