Story, Song, and Celebrity Society
Credentials: MUSIC 911
Website: Professor Margaret Butler
Phone: TUESDAYS 2:25 PM - 4:25 PM
This graduate seminar brings together celebrity studies, musical theater, opera, and other dramatic forms. Among other questions, we will consider the recent move in celebrity studies toward a view that privileges sociability and discourse (“celebrity society”) over one that foregrounds culture and its related constructs (“celebrity culture”). Why this move, and how can it help us better understand historical and contemporary performance? This course interrogates celebrity in a wide range of dramatic and musical genres, examining key figures, works, and trends in its development. Readings will include recent and seminal work in celebrity theory and history (Marcus, Roach, van Krieken, Lilti, Marshall, others) and music studies (Feldman, Wolf, Aspden, Joncus, Henson, others). ITS students are particularly welcome. |