

The Ph.D. program in Interdisciplinary Theatre Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison prepares students to assume professional positions as theatre and performance studies scholars, educators, and researchers. These positions may be in departments of Theatre, English, Performance Studies, Communications Arts or other related fields. The degree requirements are designed to balance theoretical investigations with practical applications, and to allow for interdisciplinary studies that enhance the value and possibilities of the degree. Students are encouraged to participate in national and international professional meetings, and to publish in the field.


The Ph.D. requires 69 credits (on average, 23 courses) of coursework.

UW courses numbered 300 and above with a 50% graduate attribute may be counted toward graduate credit. Seminar courses are numbered 800 and above. Up to 6 courses or 18 credits of coursework performed for a student’s M.A. may be transferred toward their Ph.D. credits.

  • 8 courses in dramatic literature, history, and theory and criticism, including one required course (ENGL 850 Proseminar: Introduction to Research in Theatre) taken in the fall semester of the first year.
  • 3 practicum courses.
  • 8 courses grouped to provide an area of specialization within the major field of study.
  • 3 courses outside the fields of theatre and performance studies, grouped to complement
the area of specialization and the major. These three courses constitute a Minor, and are determined in consultation with the student’s advisor. Students may elect an external minor, distributed minor, or graduate certificate.
  • 3 courses completed for the student’s coursework must be seminars (800-level or higher)

Over the course of the Ph.D. program, students must acquire comprehensive knowledge of the field by taking at least two courses at the 500-level or above in each of the following areas of theatre research: dramatic literature; theatre history; and theatre and performance theory. Students must work with their advisors to ensure that both depth and breadth are achieved through the balance of courses and the final papers written for the courses. Upper-level courses taken at another university or independent study courses do not count towards satisfying this requirement.

Up to two Independent Study courses may be taken with individual faculty members during the Ph.D. course-work. No more than one independent study may be taken with any one faculty member, either within or outside the department. A student who wishes to request an exception due to special circumstances must apply to the ITS core faculty for a waiver of this policy. The application must be in writing and must have the approval of the student’s advisor.


In selecting their coursework, students develop an area of specialization, based on the focus of their scholarly work.

The area of specialization may be defined by a genre, a theoretical approach or methodology, a time period and/or a geographical or linguistic area. It should be focused, yet broad enough for students to take eight courses relevant to it. Generally, students define an area of specialization only when they are near the completion of course work, and it is possible to reorganize the checklist at that time to reflect the emerging area of specialization. Recent Ph.D. students’ areas of specialization have included:

  • Black dramaturgies
  • the study of children onstage
  • manuscript and print history of drama
  • LGBT theatre
  • new play development
  • Irish theatre
  • Latinx and Latin American theatre and performance
  • Indigenous Land relations
  • Modern Indian theatre
  • African theatre
  • and more!


Students must include a Doctoral Minor or Graduate Certificate from outside the major as part of their coursework.

The Doctoral Minor or Graduate Certificate will be chosen in consultation with the student’s advisor, who will help them make the choice most appropriate for their research and career plans. Options include:

  1. External Minor: See external minor options here. Students must have approval and advisement from the external minor department.
  2. Distributed Minor: 9 credits forming a coherent topic, from 2 or more departments. The student’s ITS advisor will approve all distributed minor coursework. Course must be numbered 300 or higher and all courses must be graduate-level coursework, identified with the “G50%” attribute. A maximum of 3 credits (1 course) of independent study are allowed.
  3. Graduate Certificate: Please contact the specific certificate program for requirements and approval process.


Ph.D. students are required to take three practicum courses.

Practicum courses vary from semester to semester, and may be hosted in any number of departments. Recent practicum courses have included:

  • Theatre 372: Set Design I
  • Art 511: Art Performance
  • Theatre & Drama 619: Dramaturgy
  • English 851: Performance Art, Performance Studies
  • an independent study in relation to production dramaturgy
  • and more!

In lieu of one of their required practicum courses, students can instead participate in three approved production activities as dramaturgs, assistant directors, performers, designers or technicians.



After the final semester of course-work, and after fulfilling the language and practicum requirements, all Ph.D. students need to pass the comprehensive Prelim A Exam to be advanced to Dissertator status. A portfolio of three research papers (discussed at length below) must be submitted to the Graduate Coordinator for distribution to the Interdisciplinary Theatre Studies core faculty at least two weeks prior to the exam, which involves an oral defense of approximately 90-120 minutes.


The Prelim B Exam is a 1-hour oral defense of the dissertation proposal conducted by the candidate’s dissertation committee. This exam is typically taken one semester after passing the Prelim A exam, and must be taken before the end of the second semester following the Prelim A.


The culminating project of the Ph.D. degree, the dissertation is an original and substantial contribution to knowledge that establishes the student as a scholar and professional in the field of theatre studies. The Ph.D. degree is awarded after a successful 2- hour defense of the thesis before the candidate’s thesis committee.


Ph.D. coursework is usually completed in five or six semesters. Most students complete their dissertations four to six semesters after finishing their coursework. The number of MA credits transferred, the time taken to complete coursework requirements, and other factors can affect this timeline.