American Alternative Theatre: From Artaud to Immersion
Credentials: ENGLISH 859
Website: Professor Mike Vanden Heuvel
Phone: Wednesdays: 2:30-3:30

Interested in finding out what happens when theatre and theatricality take precedence over dramatic writing and conventional plays? Curious about how some of the most cutting-edge work in world theatre – immersive theatre, site-specific performance, digital and augmented reality theatre – all can be traced back to one of the most exciting and innovative periods in American theatre history? Looking for an opportunity to conduct research through theatrical practice and dramaturgical projects rather than script and literary analysis? Then Alt Am may be just what you’ve been looking for!
The course traces the development of alternative American drama and performance from roughly 1950-present, derived in part from the influence of European avant-garde theatre theorists and practitioners (Artaud, Beckett, Grotowski, etc.) and in part from developments in indigenous American art forms. Focus will be on various alternative dramatic/theatrical art forms, including “holy theatre,” radical street theatre, performance art, collective and “devised” theatre, site-specific performance, immersive theatre, and the latest in digital media and augmented reality theatre.
Plays, video, and performance texts will be viewed from Joseph Chaikin and The Open Theatre, Richard Schechner and The Performance Group, Fluxus, SF Mime Troupe, Mabou Mines, Robert Wilson, the Wooster Group, The Builders Association and a number of contemporary fringe ensembles ranging from the The Civilians to Radiohole and 600 Highwaymen.
Undergraduates from all areas are especially encouraged to enroll, as much of the course focuses on acting and design issues, as well as dramaturgical analysis of alternative theatre texts and movements. Undergraduates are assigned readings and projects appropriate to their level and interests that differ in focus and length from what graduate students are assigned. No previous familiarity with avant-garde theatre is assumed or required.