Department of English, University of Wisconsin-Madison
R. F. Young. (2009). Discursive practice in language learning and teaching. Malden MA, & Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. “This volume offers an extremely useful state-of-the-art survey of essential research in applied linguistics and discourse studies with which every language teacher should become familiar.” — Claire Kramsch, University of California, Berkeley Read more here. |
R. F. Young. (2008). Language and interaction: An advanced resource book. London & New York: Routledge. “This book provides an excellent, comprehensive resource for teaching degree programmes in the fields of language, social interaction and human communication. The discussion is always extremely clear and there is a very broad coverage of relevant issues, approaches and methodologies. The discussion is complemented by a range of readings, data, exercises and tasks, making the book also very suitable for self-study.” — Paul Seedhouse, Newcastle University, UK Read more here. |
R. Young & A. W. He (Eds.). (1998). Talking and testing: Discourse approaches to the assessment of oral proficiency. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins. “A significant contribution of the book is that it provides a description of the language of L[anguage] P[roficiency] I[nterviews] that goes beyond the articulated objectives of the tests. This description leads to a better understanding of LPIs as tests and texts.” — Kathleen Bardovi-Harlig, Indiana University Read more here. |
R. Young. (1991). Variation in interlanguage morphology. New York: Peter Lang. This major contribution to SLA theory examines the question of the systematicity of learners’ language. Young proposes a new descriptive model for handling what other investigators had claimed to be random variation in performance and he tests the model on plural inflections in the spoken English interlanguage of Chinese learners. Read more here. |
Hulstijn, J. H., Young, R. F., Ortega, L., Bigelow, M., DeKeyser, R., Ellis, N. C., et al. (2014). Bridging the gap: Cognitive and social approaches to research in second language learning and teaching. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 36(3), 361-421. doi: 10.1017/S0272263114000035
R. F. Young & A. C. Astarita. (2013). Practice theory in language learning. Language Learning, 63(Supplement 1), 171-189. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9922.2012.00743.x.
R. F. Young. (2012). Social dimensions of language testing. In G. Fulcher & F. Davidson (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of language testing (pp. 178-193). Abingdon, UK & New York: Routledge.
R. F. Young. (2011). Interactional competence in language learning, teaching, and testing. In E. Hinkel (Ed.), Handbook of research in second language teaching and learning (Vol. 2, pp. 426-443). London & New York: Routledge.
P. Garrett & R. F. Young. (2009). Theorizing affect in foreign language learning: An analysis of one learner's responses to a communicative-based Portuguese course. The Modern Language Journal, 93(2), 209–226.
R. F. Young. (2008). English and identity in Asia Asiatic, 2(2), 1–13.
R. F. Young. (2008). Second language acquisition as changing participation. In G. Bernini, L. Spreafico & A. Valentini (Eds.), Competenze lessicali e discorsive nell’acquisizione di lingue seconde: Atti del convegno-seminario Bergamo, 8–10 giugno 2006 (pp. 407–435). Perugia: Guerra Edizioni.
R. F. Young. (2007). Language learning and teaching as discursive practice. In Z. Hua, P. Seedhouse, W. Li, & V. Cook (Eds.), Language learning and teaching as social inter-action (pp. 251–271). Basingstoke, UK & New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
R. F. Young & E. R. Miller. (2004). Learning as changing participation: Discourse roles in ESL writing conferences. The Modern Language Journal, 88(4), 519–535.
R. F. Young & J. Lee. (2004). Identifying units in interaction: Reactive tokens in Korean and English conversations. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 8(3), 380–407.
R. F. Young & H. T. Nguyen. (2002). Modes of meaning in high school science. Applied Linguistics, 23(3), 348–372.
R. F. Young. (2002). Discourse approaches to oral language assessment. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 22, 243–262.
R. Young. (1999). Sociolinguistic approaches to SLA. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 19, 105–132.
A. W. He & R. Young. (1998). Language proficiency interviews: A discourse approach. In R. Young & A. W. He (Eds.), Talking and testing: Discourse approaches to the assessment of oral proficiency (pp. 1–24). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins.
R. Young & G. B. Halleck. (1998). “Let them eat cake!” or how to avoid losing your head in cross-cultural conversations. In R. Young & A. W. He (Eds.), Talking and testing: Discourse approaches to the assessment of oral proficiency (pp. 355–382). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins.
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University of Wisconsin-Madison
Department of English
600 North Park Street
Madison, WI 53706
Email: rfyoung at wisc dot edu
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SLA: What's language got to do with it?
This is a multimedia version of a plenary I gave at the 2010 Second Language Acquisition Graduate Student Symposium co-hosted by the University of Iowa and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I make the case that the study of SLA has been needlessly limited by linguistics. Instead, studying nonlinguistic semiotic systems gives us unexpected insights into bilingual cognition and learner language. These systems include the positioning of bodies in space, gaze and facial expressions and, in particular, gestural movement of the hands and arms. |
Discursive Practice in Language Learning and Teaching
In this multimedia version of a plenary I gave at the 2010 AAAL conference in Atlanta, I distinguish between practice and records of practice. I argue that the technology of recording has blinded researchers to the multimodal semiotics of practice and that practice is inseparable from context. I conclude with an example of concept-based instruction as a means of teaching and learning discursive practice. |
I presented this paper in 2001 at a joint AAAL/LTRC symposium on “Defining and Assessing Speaking Ability” in St Louis, Missouri, I show how, in the discursive practice of assessment, speaking ability becomes a cultural object that can be evaluated, criticized, and reproduced. |
Interactional Competence: Challenges for Validity
I presented this paper in 2000 at a joint AAAL/LTRC symposium on “Interdisciplinary Interfaces with Language Testing” in Vancouver, British Columbia, I discuss the implications of the theory of interactional competence for the design and interpretation of language tests. |
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Read my biography published in the The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics here.
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English 420: Topics in Pragmatics |
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