English 110 Section 004: Intensive ESL Grammar

Syllabus for Summer 2001

Mondays through Fridays, 8:00 - 8:50 a.m., 4212 Helen C. White Hall






Textbook Contents


Course Activities

Picture of Professor Young

Professor Richard F. Young

5129 Helen C. White Hall
Office hours: Thursdays, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m., or by appointment
E-mail: rfyoung at wisc dot edu
Home Page: http://www.wisc.edu/english/rfyoung
Phone: 263-2679

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Required Materials


van Zante, Daise, Norloff, Falk, & Mahnke. (2000). Grammar links 3: A theme-based course for reference and practice. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin.


Norloff, Daise, & Mahnke.  (2000).  Grammar links 3: Workbook.  Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin.

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Textbook Contents

Number Unit Topic Focus Grammar Point Briefing
1 Present and Past: Simple and Progressive Natural time and clock time Simple present and present progressive
bulletSimple present and present progressive
bulletVerbs with stative meaning
Simple past and past progressive
bulletSimple past and past progressive
bulletSimple past and past progressive with time clauses
bulletUsed to
2 Present and past: Perfect and perfect progressive The pace of life Present perfect and present perfect progressive
bulletPresent perfect and present perfect progressive
bulletPresent perfect versus simple past
Past perfect and past perfect progressive
bulletPast perfect and past perfect progressive
3 Future, phrasal verbs, tag questions Travel Future time
bulletWill and be going to
bulletExpressing the future with present progressive, simple present, and be about to
Future progressive, future perfect, and future perfect progressive
bulletFuture progressive
bulletFuture perfect and future perfect progressive
Phrasal verbs, tag questions
bulletPhrasal verbs
bulletVerb-preposition combinations; phrasal verbs with prepositions
bulletTag questions
4 Noun phrases Food Nouns and determiners
bulletTypes of nouns and determiners
bulletDefinite and indefinite articles
Modifiers, pronouns, and possessives
5 Adjective clauses and adjective phrases Personality Adjective clauses
bulletAdjective clauses; subject and object pronouns
bulletRelative pronouns as objects of prepositions; possessive relative pronouns
More about  adjective clauses
bulletAdjective clauses with where and when
bulletRestrictive versus nonrestrictive relative clauses
bulletAdjective phrases
6 Gerunds and infinitives Entertainment Gerunds and infinitives
bulletOverview of gerunds and infinitives; gerunds
More about gerunds and infinitives
bulletGerunds versus infinitives
bulletPerformers of gerunds and infinitives; progressive infinitives; perfect gerunds and infinitives
7 Modals Courtship and marriage Modals
bulletOverview of modals; ability modals
bulletBelief modals
bulletSocial modals
More about modals
bulletPerfect modals; belief modals in the past
bulletSocial modals in the past
bulletProgressive modals and perfect progressive modals
8 Passives World of sports Passive overview
bulletForm of passive sentences
bulletFunction of passive sentences
More about passives
bulletget passives; passive causatives
9 Conditionals Natural disasters Conditionals
bulletOverview of conditionals; factual conditionals; future conditionals
bulletPresent unreal conditionals
bulletPast unreal conditionals
More about conditionals
bulletOther forms in conditionals
bulletSentences with wish or hope
bulletAlternatives to if; implied conditions
10 Noun clauses Popular fiction Noun clauses
bulletNoun clauses
bulletTypes of noun clauses
Noun clauses in reported speech; quoted speech
bulletOverview of quoted speech and reported speech
bulletReported speech
bulletQuestions, commands, and requests in reported speech; noun clauses after verbs or adjectives of urgency
11 Adverb clauses and phrases; Connecting ideas Advertising and consumer behavior Adverb clauses and phrases
bulletAdverb clauses
bulletTypes of adverb clauses
bulletAdverb phrases
Connecting ideas
bulletRelationships expressed with connectors--addition and time
bulletOther relationships expressed with connectors

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Course Activities

Date Topic In class Homework
Wednesday, June 20

Get acquainted

3 items from textbook outline
Thursday, June 21 Simple present and present progressive Acronyms

Exercise 7, p. 15

Exercise 10, pp. 20-21
Friday, June 22 Stative and active meanings of verbs Correct Exercise 10, pp. 20-21.

Exercise 11, p. 22

Write sentences with past tense of these 19 irregular verbs: be, bet, choose, creep, drink, forbid, forget, hang, know, meet, outdo, oversleep, quit, rethink, sling, stand, swear, undergo, withstand
Monday, June 25 Simple past and past progressive forms Correct homework on irregular past tenses

Forms of past and past progressive: Exercises 1 & 3

Exercise 9, pp. 37-38

Read Grammar Briefing 3, pp. 38-39

Tuesday, June 26 Simple past and past progressive forms functions

Used to

Grammar Briefing 2, Exercise 8

Grammar Briefing 3, pp. 38-39

Correct homework on Exercise 9, pp. 37-38

Exercise 12, pp. 40-41
Wednesday, June 27 Used to

Present perfect, present perfect progressive past perfect, past perfect progressive, and simple past 

Correct homework: Exercise 12, pp. 40-41

Plan for potluck

Read Grammar Briefing 1, pp. 48-50

Introductory task, page 47

Thursday, June 28 Present perfect, present perfect progressive past perfect, past perfect progressive, and simple past Correct Homework: Grammar Briefing 1, pp. 48-50

Go over Introductory task, page 47

Identify tenses in "The Pace of Life" p. 45

Write sentences with present perfect (progressive) of these 20 irregular verbs: begin, bleed, blow, drive, fly, freeze, get, hide, mislead, outgrow, put, rebuild, sell, shoot, sink, sleep, strike, teach, upset, withdraw.  Due Monday.
Friday, June 29 Form of perfect tenses, contrast with past Exercises 1 and 4 Same homework as yesterday, due Monday
Monday, July 2 Past perfect versus past Exercise 5

What did you do this weekend?

Planning for Fourth of July

Unit Wrap-up, pages 75-76
Tuesday, July 3 Perfect versus past Comments on past participle homework

Correct homework

Read Grammar Briefing 1, pages 81-83

Exercise 1(a) and (b), pages 83 and 84

Thursday, July 5 Forms of the future Correct homework

Introduce names for future forms

Exercises 1 and 2, pages 83-85

Read Grammar Briefing 2 on page 90

Exercise 7(a) and (b) on pages 88 and 89

Friday, July 6 Present simple & present progressive used in the future Correct homework

Talk about plans for the weekend

You are a travel agent.  Make plans for me for a 3-day visit to your home town.  (1) Make a schedule, (2) Write me an email with detailed plans.
Monday, July 9 Travel Plans Jigsaw listening: A day in New York City Study Grammar Briefing 1 on pages 114-115

Exercises 1 and 2 on pages 116-117

Tuesday, July 10 Phrasal Verbs Correct homework

Exercises A and B, page 113

Study Grammar Briefing 2 on pages 120-121

Exercise 8 on pages123-124

Wednesday, July 11 Phrasal Verbs versus Verb-Preposition Combinations Correct homework

Exercise 9 on pages 124-125

Find a picture to go with your itinerary and bring it to class on Thursday
Thursday, July 12 Tag Questions Grammar Briefing 3 on pages 125-127

Exercise 11 on page 128

Ask and answer tag questions about your picture

No homework
Friday, July 13 TOEFL Time 1, pages 16-17 in Workbook Email me a corrected version of your itinerary
Monday, July 16 Noun Phrases Introduce NPs

Do Exercises on pages 134 & 135

Study Grammar Briefing 1 on pages 137-139

Do Exercises 1 & 2 on pages 140-141

Tuesday, July 17 Proper and Common Nouns

Count and Noncount Nouns

Correct homework

Do Exercise 5 on pages 142-143

Correct pronunciation of final -(e)s

Study Grammar Briefing 2 on pages 146-148

Do Exercise 10 on pages 149-150

Wednesday, July 18 Definite and indefinite articles Correct homework

Do Exercises 11 and 12 on pages 150-152

Study Grammar Briefing 3 on pages 154-156

Do Exercise 15 on pages 156-157

Thursday, July 19 Quantifiers Correct homework

Finish Exercise 12 on page 152

Exercise 13 on pages 152-153

Prepare for TOEFL Time 2

Final version of itinerary

Friday, July 20 TOEFL Time 2, pages 32-33 in Workbook Sequence adjectives on ice cream handout

Count how many hours you spend this weekend (a) speaking English (b) eating ice cream

Monday, July 23 Field Trip to Babcock Hall to see ice cream manufacture Correct homework Study Grammar Briefing 3 on pages 174-175

Do Unit Wrap-Up on pages 178-179

Tuesday, July 24 Adjective Clauses and Adjective Phrases Correct homework Study Grammar Briefing 1 on pages 186-187

Do Exercises 1 and 2 on pages 188-189

Wednesday, July 25 Adjective Clauses and Adjective Phrases

Intro on pages 182-184

Thursday, July 26 Adjective Clauses and Adjective Phrases Exercises 1, 2, and 7  Prepare for TOEFL Time 3

Bring in a picture of a friend

Friday, July 27 TOEFL Time 3, pages 59-61 in Workbook Count how many hours you spend speaking English this weekend

Exercise 7 and write a description of the person in the picture.  Use at least 5 adjective clauses

Monday, July 30 Relative Pronouns as Objects of Prepositions and Possessives Collect Homework

Explain end-of-session schedule

Grammar Briefing 2, pages 192-193

Exercise 9 page 194

Study Grammar Briefing 1 on page 199

Do Exercises 2 & 3 on pages 200-201

Tuesday, July 31 More about Adjective Clauses; Adjective Phrases Exercise 1

Correct homework

Study Grammar Briefing 2 on pages 201-202

Do Exercise 5 on Emily Dickinson, Alexander Graham Bell, Glenn Gould, Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein

Wednesday, August 1 Restrictive vs. Nonrestrictive adjective clauses Correct homework

Exercises 7 and 8

Study Grammar Briefing 3 on pages 207-208

Do Exercise 9 on pages 208-209

Thursday, August 2 Adjective Phrases Correct homework

Exercise 10

Prepare for TOEFL Time 4
Friday, August 3 TOEFL Time 4, pages 81-83 in Workbook Count how many hours you spend using English this weekend
Monday, August 6 Adjective Phrases Talk about your weekend

Exercise 11 on pages 210-211

Conduct Evaluations (ESL Program and English Dept)

Prepare for TOEFL Time 5
Tuesday, August 7 TOEFL Time 5, pages 98-100 in Workbook

Life after English 110.  Discussion with English 110 alumni: Karla Esbona, Arturo Vergara, and WooJin Song

Prepare for ELI Final Exam
Wednesday, August 8 Review materials covered

Distribute test scores

Meet in Room 6110 for in-class essay, then move to Humanities for ELI Final Exam

Thursday, August 9 Fun and games

Distribute "My Hometown" Newsletter

Friday, August 10

Distribute ELI Certificates

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This page last revised  June 06, 2003