Fridays, 9:00 11:00 in room U1.69, building 23.21
May 16 July 4, 1997
Prof. Dr. Richard F. Young
Email: rfyoung at wisc dot edu
Office hours: 13:00 15:00 Thursdays in room 01.70 building 23.21
Cheshire, J. (1991). English around the world: Sociolinguistic perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kachru, B. B. (1992). The other tongue: English across cultures. (2nd ed.). Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
Karshner, R., & Stern, D. A. (1990). Dialect monologues [Audio cassette]. Rancho Mirage, CA: Dramaline.
Karshner, R., & Stern, D. A. (1994). Dialect monologues. Volume 2 [Audio cassette]. Toluca Lake, CA: Dramaline.
This seminar will address theory and research on the spread of English around the world. The focus will be a critical consideration of themes such as the characteristics and use of world varieties of English, the sociology and politics of the spread of English, its impact on indigenous languages, code-switching, and processes of nativization and standardization.
One group seminar presentation of one or more articles from the readings.
Regular attendance and participation in seminar discussions.
The requirements for a kleine Schein plus ...
One 10 - 20 page paper that synthesizes and critically reviews literature in a relevant area of your choice.
American Tongues [video]
Dialect Monologues [audio cassette] - Texas, New York City, Boston, Chicago
Cassidy, F. G. (1983). Geographical variation of English in the United States. In R. W. Bailey & M. Görlach (Eds.), English as a world language (pp. 177-209). Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.
Toon, T. E. (1983). Variation in contemporary American English. In R. W. Bailey & M. Görlach (Eds.), English as a world language (pp. 210-250). Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.
Fishman, J. A. (1992). Sociology of English as an additional language. In B. B. Kachru (Ed.), The other tongue: English across cultures (2nd ed., pp. 19-26). Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
Strevens, P. (1992). English as an international language: Directions in the 1990s. In B. B. Kachru (Ed.), The other tongue: English across cultures (2nd ed., pp. 27-47). Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
Kachru, B. B. (1992). Models for non-native Englishes. In B. B. Kachru (Ed.), The other tongue: English across cultures (2nd ed., pp. 48-74). Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
Smith, L. E. (1992). Spread of English and issues of intelligibility. In B. B. Kachru (Ed.), The other tongue: English across cultures (2nd ed., pp. 75-90). Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
Canada: Chapters by Chambers, Clarke, Esling, and Woods in English Around the World.
New Zealand: Chapters by Bell & Holmes, Bayard, Benton, and Kuiper in English Around the World.
Australia: Chapters by Guy, Bradley, Eisikovits, and Steffensen in English Around the World.
Dialect Monologues - Australian
India: Chapters by Kandiah, Khan, Sahgal, and Sridhar in English Around the World.
East Africa (Tanzania and Kenya): Chapters by Abdulaziz, Kanyoro, and Schmied in English Around the World.
West Africa: Chapters by Bokamba, Faraclas, Jibril, and Singler in English Around the World.
Dialect Monologues (volume 2) - Asian Indian
China: Chapter by Cheng in The Other Tongue; Guo-zhang, X. (1987). Code and transmission in cross-cultural discourse: A study of some samples from Chinese and English. L. E. Smith (Ed.), Discourse across cultures: Strategies in world Englishes (pp. 66-72). New York: Prentice Hall.
Japan: Chapter by Stanlaw in The Other Tongue; LoCastro, V. (1987). Aizuchi: A Japanese conversational routine. In L. E. Smith (Ed.), Discourse across cultures: Strategies in world Englishes (pp. 101-113). New York: Prentice Hall.
The Pacific: Chapters by Romaine, Mühlhäusler, and Siegel in English Around the World.
Chapters by Kahane, Heath, and Moag in The Other Tongue.
Chapters by Thumboo and Lowry in The Other Tongue.
Chapter 19 by Kachru and Chapter 6 by Lowenberg in The Other Tongue.
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This page last updated on 04 February, 2003.