Introducing “Grammar Badgers”

I am so proud to introduce Grammar Badgers, a website created by graduate students in English Language and Linguistics who took my “Bad Grammar” class this semester. As part of the class, students were tasked with creating materials that would be of interest for the general public. We called it the “Wisconsin Idea” project.

Students worked in four teams: One group created one-minute videos that address grammar issues people often feel confused about, one group created four-minute podcasts on “linguistic misfits” and on what we can learn from mistakes , one group created a grammar quiz with video explanations, and one group created teaching materials for ESL classes. Students learned about the ins and outs of filming on campus, figured out the best interviewing techniques, worked collaboratively on sound and movie editing (those phonology classes came in handy!) as well as website and logo design and had the brilliant idea to make Bucky Badger an ally. The result is a website that provides information, resources, and entertainment! Check it out!

Grammar Badger Website (Screenshot)