Chair, Department of English (2019-2022): personnel, budget, development, program, and curriculum oversight (90+ faculty and staff, 100+ graduate students, $10mio annual expenditures), founding of the Center for the Research and Teaching on Writing
Provost Fellow (2019-2020): participated in weekly meetings of Provost Executive Group to learn about university-wide initiatives, setting of priorities, and crisis management. Worked with Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff Affairs to promote formalized faculty mentorship initiative.
Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities (2019-, chair 2021-22, 2023-26): review committee for faculty non-renewal decisions and allegations of faculty misconduct
Fellow, Big Ten Academic Alliance Leadership Program (2018-19): yearlong program to develop the ability to be an effective academic leader at all levels of a research university
Peer Corps member, Higher Learning Commission: assuring that institutions are in compliance with accreditation criteria
University Committee (2015-2018, chair 2017-18): Executive Committee of the UW-Madison Faculty Senate, advising university leadership on questions concerning educational interests or policies, reviewing/writing faculty legislation and policies
Co-chair, Higher Learning Commission Accreditation Advisory Group (2017-2019): advised accreditation core team on sources of evidence for federal accreditation criteria from faculty perspective
Language Sciences Program Planning Committee (2014-2016): planned reorganization of Linguistics Department and creation of “Language Sciences” program (effective 2018)
University Budget Model Development Committee (2014-15): advised university leadership on developing a new, partly performance-based, budget allocation model
Arts & Humanities Divisional Committee (2013-2016): made recommendations to Dean on tenure and promotion in the Arts and Humanities
Associate Chair and Director of Undergraduate Studies, English Department (2011-2015): oversaw undergraduate curriculum planning and assignment of TAs
Graduate School Research Committee Arts & Humanities (2009-2011): made decisions on intramural research awards (“summer support”, named professorships — Romnes, Kellett, WARF)