Devil's Lake


Interviews | Reviews


Author Date
Adnot-Haynes, Becky Nov. 2014
Anastas, Benjamin Dec. 2012
Bachmann, Beth Sept. 2010
Benjamin, Chloe Sept. 2014
Brimhall, Traci Dec. 2010
Cash, Wiley Aug. 2012
Cancio-Bello, Marci Calabretta Mar. 2017
Davis, Vanessa May 2012
Day, Meg May 2013
Demske, Nick Jan. 2012
Emanuel, Lynn Jul. 2010
Erens, Pamela Oct. 2013
Ford, Katie Jul. 2010
Mao, Sally Wen Jan. 2017
O’Neill, Emily Mar. 2016
Fu, Kim Feb. 2016
Green, Chris Oct. 2015
Gudding, Gabriel Aug. 2010
Guenette, Matthew Mar. 2011
Harvey, Matthea Feb. 2011
Manning, Maurice Nov. 2011
Meitner, Erica Feb. 2015
Hoffman, Cynthia Marie Dec. 2011
Jones, Tayari Apr. 2012
LaMon, Jacqueline Jones Jun. 2011
Martin, Hugh Mar. 2013
Martone, Michael May 2011
O’Neill, Emily Mar. 2016
Percy, Benjamin Oct. 2010
Pittard, Hannah Mar. 2012
Plascencia, Salvador Apr. 2013
Pritts, Nate Mar. 2011
Prufer, Kevin Apr. 2011
Siegel, Zachary Nov. 2015
Semple, Maria Jun. 2013
Shaw, Dash Jan. 2011
Simonds, Sandra Feb. 2012
Smith, Jayson Nov. 2015
Smith, Tracy K. Jul. 2011
Stone, Kristen Oct. 2012
Torres, Justin Oct. 2011
Valente, Anne Oct. 2014
Wojahn, David Jul. 2012


Author, Title Review Date
Akant, Sara Deniz: Babette Mar. 2016
Ackerson-Kiely, Paige: My Love Is a Dead Arctic Explorer Mar. 2013
Austin, Derrick: Trouble the Water Apr. 2016
Bailey, Elisabeth Tova: The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating Mar. 2011
Barnett, Catherine & Tiphanie Yanique: Another English: Anglophone Poems from Around the World Dec. 2014
Betts, Reginald Dwayne: Shahid Reads His Own Palm Jan. 2011
Boully, Jenny: not merely because of the unknown that was stalking toward them Mar. 2012
Browne, Mahogany L.: Redbone Dec. 2015
Buffam, Suzanne: The Irrationalist Sept. 2011
Burroughs, CM: The Vital System Feb. 2013
Capps, Ashley: Mistaking the Sea for Green Fields Mar. 2011
Châteaureynaud, Georges-Olivier: A Life on Paper Feb. 2011
Cloud, Abigail: Sylph Dec. 2014
Constantine, Brendan: Letters to Guns Aug. 2010
Coutley, Lisa Fay: In the Carnival of Breathing Jul. 2011
Cross, Eugene: Fires of Our Choosing Dec. 2012
Dennigan, Darcie: Madame X Apr. 2012
DeWeese, Christopher: The Father of the Arrow is the Thought Jan. 2016
Doran, Geri: Sanderlings Dec. 2011
Dunham, Rebecca: The Flight Cage Dec. 2010
Glenn, Lorri Neilsen: Lost Gospels Sept. 2011
Gray, Amelia: Museum of the Weird Feb. 2011
Hannah, Barry: Long, Last, Happy May 2011
Harvey, Matthea: Of Lamb Jan. 2012
Hongo, Garrett: Coral Road Jan. 2012
Jasper, Matt: Moth Moon Jul. 2010
Kaelan, James: We’re Geting On Apr. 2011
Kapil, Bhanu: Schizophrene Mar. 2012
Kuipers, Keetje: Beautiful in the Mouth Jul. 2010
LaValle, Victor: Big Machine Sept. 2010
Levé, Édouard: Suicide Aug. 2011
Levy, Thomas Patrick: Please Don’t Leave Me Scarlett Johansson Feb. 2012
Mark, Sabrina Orah: Tsim Tsum Jan. 2011
Marshall, Nate: Wild Hundreds Sept. 2015
McCarthy, Tom: C Oct. 2010
McDonnell, Nick: The End of Major Combat Operations Sept. 2010
Muench, Simone: Orange Crush Oct. 2010
Murillo, John: Up Jump the Boogie Sept. 2010
Nordgren, Sarah Rose: Best Bones Nov. 2014
Nutting, Alissa: Unclean Jobs for Women and Girls Oct. 2010
O’Brien, Geoffrey G.: Metropole Feb. 2012
Ogawa, Yoko: Revenge Apr. 2013
Pagel, Caryl: Experiments I Should Like Tried at My Own Death Nov. 2012
Parker, Jeff: The Taste of Penny Apr. 2011
Pizzolatto, Nic: Galveston Apr. 2011
Potter, Dawn: How the Crimes Happened Aug. 2010
Range, Melissa: Horse and Rider Apr. 2012
Reese, Rita May: The Alphabet Conspiracy Sept. 2011
Rekdal, Paisley: Animal Eye May 2013
Somerville, Patrick: The Universe in Miniature in Miniature Jul. 2011
Stein, Melissa: Rough Honey Aug. 2011
Svoboda, Terese: Pirate Talk or Mermalade May 2011
Szporluk, Larissa: Traffic with Macbeth Dec. 2011
Torres, Justin: We the Animals Dec. 2013
Turner, Brian: Phantom Noise Jul. 2010
Van Landingham, Corey: Antidote Oct. 2014
Willis, Elizabeth: Meteoric Flowers Apr. 2011
Woloch, Cecilia: Carpathia Jul. 2010
Zeller, Corey: Man Vs. Sky Jun. 2013